“Climate change and the housing crisis are two well-known issues, but how can architecture really provide innovative and sustainable responses?”

The contemporary era is characterised by an increasing scarcity of resources in all forms, prompting a profound reflection on the way in which we live.

In light of the increasing necessity to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry, European legislation is requiring the implementation of new environmentally-friendly technologies and approaches to reduce the energy consumption and environmental impact of the building stock.

Furthermore, the progressive impoverishment of families and the scarce supply of affordable housing on the market have led to a real social emergency and crisis of living that is affecting numerous countries across Europe and beyond.

These phenomena are significantly influencing the construction sector, as the majority of European buildings must be renovated in the near future, particularly social housing due to its pervasive energy poverty.

The twofold reflection on the future of living and the ecological transition is encountered along this path, through a research project that analyses the potential of off-site architecture for collective housing retrofit and new construction.

The project proposes a turnaround to innovate the construction sector by establishing new professions, skills and roles to cope with a constant scarcity of resources and demographic issues such as the ageing population and the increasing life expectancy.

Find out more about the project >


“Off-site Construction to Simplify the Energy Transition in Social Housing” is a project by Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino and Stowarzyszenie Laboratory for Urban Research & Education, funded by the European Union within the framework of the Vocational Training Partnership KA210-VET (Erasmus⁺).

The project aims to train young architects and adapt their job profiles to the changing skills required by contemporary societal needs and the renovation wave in Europe. The development of off-site knowledge among architects will support its use in the partner countries Italy and Poland, contributing to a faster green transition in the social housing sector, where decarbonisation and energy efficiency are more urgent due to higher building obsolescence.
Based on the analysis of different good practices and case studies, the project will identify and design new transnational training content and professional tools to empower architects in off-site design for social housing. In this way, their work will contribute to the environmental and social challenges of the social housing context, combining digital and collaborative technologies with innovative and high-performance materials.

Following these statements, the project aims to build a community of professionals who will:

  • Exchange good practices on off-site architecture for social housing as a first step towards its wider adoption;
  • Promote the use of off-site construction among European architects;
  • Increase the digitalisation of the construction process thanks to a better use of digital tools (BIM, 3D printing, drones and robots) in off-site practices for social housing;
  • Support the digital and green transition in the construction sector by promoting off-site construction as a sustainable and inclusive approach to the construction and the retrofit of social housing projects.


18th-19th October 2024 | Turin
21st -22nd February 2025 | Warsaw

The full programme consists of 4 days of training with conferences, workshops and site visits organised between the cities of Turin and Warsaw.

Day 1 > 18th October 2024 | Turin
Conferences that introduce the themes of research and training on off-site technologies thanks to the contribution of several guests with a background in the field of off-site architecture for social housing. 

Panel #1 | 9.00-13.00: Conferences are free and open to all. Click here to register to the event!
*Panel #2 | 14.00-18.00: Conferences

Day 2 > 19th October 2024 | Turin
*Site visits | 9.00-13.00
*Scenario workshop | 14.00-18.oo

*Access to the full programme is reserved to architects selected for the European project.

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